الأحد، 30 أكتوبر 2016

How to make Mallow Egyptian way

:How to make Mallow Egyptian way

نتيجة بحث الصور عن طريقة عمل الملوخية


1 kg mallow leaves, green, washed well and refinery
6 garlic cloves, finely minced or crushed
2 tbsp coriander, dry
1 large tablespoon margarine, or 2 tablespoons corn oil to taste
4 cups chicken broth or beef broth, if desired
2 large tablespoon corn oil, to taste

:How to prepare

We bring mallow after dry up and we Ptkotaiaha or Btakratha Palmkhrth to become too soft or grated Bkabh well until smooth.

Keep suit any amount on the fire and add any soup broth until the heat a little, then add to soups and mallow Nqlbhm Etjanoi so well together.

When you start boiling a little mallow attend any bowl pan and put the butter, garlic, coriander and put them on the fire and Nhmarham together until color becomes Frizzling tilted to Golden, when it Ndifam to turn the mallow and then quickly turn off the fire.

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